National United Church Ushers Association of America, Inc.


      Alumni Department

The National Alumni Department is an affiliate of the National School of Ushering that was founded by George T. Grier (then, the National Chairman, Editor and Publisher of the National Bulletin, and Author and Publisher of the School of Ushering Manual) at the National Convention held in Cleveland, Ohio, the last week in July 1958.

Our purpose is to:

*  keep all graduates together after finishing the School of Ushering as a viable and working group.

*  enhance, perpetuate, and give all assistance possible to our Alma Mater, the National School of Ushering, by supportive 

*  usher every day at the National Convention.

*  lift the offering on Tuesday at the National Convention during the School session.  Please note: This offering is available
     for emergencies experienced by those who attend the Convention.

*  provide trained judges, runners, and tally persons for the School of Ushering Floor Demonstration and Drill Team 
     Competition Contests each year at the seat of the National Convention.

*  hold an "Usher of the Year" and "Booklet of Seven" Contest each year at the seat of the National Convention.

We were first called the National Alumni Congregation as an affiliate of the National School of Ushering. In 1962, the name was changed at the seat of the National Convention in Dallas, Texas, and it became the National Alumni Department. In 1978, the "Usher of the Year" Contest was organized and the "Booklet of Seven" Contest was rejuvenated.  Both of these Alumni Department Contests have been held at the seat of the National Convention every year since that timeframe.

With each new Chairman, changes and developments have become part of our history. As a result, we are determined that the responsibilities and functions of the Alumni Department will continue to improve in the future!


                             Past National Officers Council 

The purpose of this council is to promote the objectives of the Association and the continued interests of those who have served as National Officers which includes all Senior, Young Adult, and Junior and Young People's Department members that have performed in this capacity.  This council was reorganized by Past National President Willie J. Minnifield in 1996 to plan and manage the annual Sunday Prayer Breakfast at the seat of the NUCUAA Convention.  The duties of this council have since been expanded to also include other projects assigned by the current National President.  In 2017, the Sunday Prayer Breakfast was renamed to honor Past National President Sylester T. Williams.

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